45. Congress of Polish Physicists


The main goal of Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski's visit was to present the lecture: “Two photons in the eye” within the “Atomic, molecular and optical physics, photonics, quantum information” session.

The congress in Krakow was an opportunity to meet scientists from various branches of physics and related fields, physics teachers, representatives of industry and institutions financing research and their implementation, students, and amateurs - physics enthusiasts. Conference sessions covered a wide range of research topics in many branches of physics as well as interdisciplinary and general physics issues. Separate sessions were devoted to teaching physics at various levels of education. The congress offered ca 30 plenary lectures, over 200 lectures in parallel specialist sessions, and about 140 posters during a poster session. The speakers were outstanding Polish scientists and foreign guests, including two Nobel Prize Laureates.

In the lecture "Two photons in the eye" Prof. Wojtkowski presented the current work of his research group and colleagues on two-photon vision. Recently, their experiments have shown that pigments in photoreceptors are active in a non-linear optical process - two-photon absorption. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to determine the state of these pigments experimentally by two types of measurements - absorption measurement or fluorescence measurement.


13-18 Sept. 2019


Cracow, Poland


Maciej Wojtkowski


Polish Physical Society

More information about the event.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 666295.