Study visit to University of Edinburgh


The goal of the visit was to perform experiments on human cells using novel microscopic technique:  differential dynamic microscopy (DDM). The plan of the experiments contained quantification of movement of subcellular components in native HeLa cells and observation of changes of mobility during programmed cell death (apoptosis). Overall conclusion of the performed experiments is that limits of DDM method were reached. Single values that could have been obtained were consistent with those measured by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) in IPC. However, repeatability was much worse and no additional information could have been obtained. The possible solution for those problems would be work using brighter (more dye molecules) and more stable (different dye) or bigger probes (nanoparticles). This needs more work concerning optimization of probe introduction to cell interior.


Krzysztof Szczepański

Karina Kwapiszewska


April 23-29, 2017


School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh                                                            

This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 666295.