The 24th Science Festival
In 2020, the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the PAS participated in the Science Festival once again. Due to the pandemic restrictions, the whole event had to be moved online, but this seemed only enhanced the event as it increased the possibility of more participants. The mission of the Festival is to popularize science. The Festival allows everyone to interact with science, learn about its methods and achievements, encourages to deepen knowledge. The Festival presents many science fields and is adapted to different groups of recipients from elementary school to high school.
The IPC conducted 3 festival lessons: two were recorded [and then replayed in class], while Prof. Wojtkowski's lecture was streamed via the Zoom platform.
Lesson 1: New technologies in imaging of living tissues and cells [Prof. Dr. M. Wojtkowski].
Lesson 2: Why a biologist needs physicochemistry, or how physicists and chemists look at life [Dr. R. Luboradzki].
Lesson 3: Solids, liquids, gases, and what's in between [Dr. R. Luboradzki].
Video - source: YouTube channel