WP4 - IPC contribution to ERA

Taking advantage of newly established research programme we would like ERA Chair holder to support IPC cooperation with ERA research units & advise us setting up new /extending current collaboration:

T.4.1 Elaboration of Joint research plan

After the upgrade of IPC research programme, ERA Chair holder and leaders of synergetic groups will elaborate detailed research plan for joint research & application projects (Joint research plan).

T.4.2 Activities supporting Joint research plan implementation

  1. Physical Chemistry in biological systems - breaking barriers: Extending and strengthening collaboration with ERA research institutions will start with breaking barriers. Taking advantage of ERA Chair holder’s recommendations, we would like to organize 3 scientific symposiums together with integration part to increase our visibility, prove excellency and set up relations, and above all - to derive knowledge from ERA leaders.
  2. Study & working visits: The activity consists of several visits to laboratories focusing on quantitative biology or application of physical chemistry in biology. The exact choice of the laboratories will depend on the ERA Chair holder’s decision. We also plan to gain extra funding for TWINNING activities from Horizon 2020 to implement new PhD programme and finance stay of the foreign students in Poland.

T.4.3 Joint research plan implementation

Implementation of Joint research plan requires taking the following measures:

  1. Writing proposals & gaining funds,
  2. Writing publications, incl. open-source,
  3. Patent applications.





This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 666295.